There might be several reasons as to why you haven't yet received your referral credits:

1- Your friend didn't request his/her first cashback yet. Once he/she does so, we will be able to approve your referral, and send you your referral credits.

2- Your friend didn't enter your referral code when he/she registered. Or he/she might have registered on the Shopmium website instead of on the app (please note the referral is only valid on the app).
3- A referral is never accepted if both friends register with the exact same payment method! If the friend you referred registered with your PayPal or bank account, your referral credits were automatically rejected. This is unfortunately irreversible.
Please note that the £3 of referral credits are not paid to you directly, they are used to top up your own cashback requests. You can read more about it here.
If in doubt of how your referral credits were used, please refer to the confirmation emails we sent you to recap the breakdown of cashback we sent you per offer or check the "My Purchases" page in the app where you will be to see how much referral credits you have left.